Requiem Series

The Traditional Requiem Mass has been the means by which the Catholic Church has guided countless generations through the painful reality of human mortality.  Encountered annually on All Souls Day, as well as at the occasion of a Funeral Mass, the prayers are particularly directed towards intercession for the deceased. Offering the teaching of the Church regarding “the last things,” they reassure members of the faith that love (currently being expressed through prayer) continues to have value in eternity.   Through the solemn quality of Gregorian Chant, the prayers are presented with a somber beauty that is respectful of the grieving heart.

In this series, I look towards the tradition of illuminated manuscripts to offer visual meditations with each of the Propers of the Requiem Mass.  Rather than creating with ink on vellum, the work is expressed through the encaustic (fused wax) medium.  With this, the chant  is “suspended” within layers of wax; conveying a sense of  the free melody found within chant resulting from the absence of a grounding beat.

Through the work, I hope to assist in meditation on the Catholic understanding of mortality; recognizing that in Christ, love is not defeated by death.

This series is dedicated to GySgt Justin Schmalstieg – KIA Dec 15, 2010.