2020 plans

After the successful tour of the Illuminated Requiem exhibit this past November, I am in the beginning stages of my next series.

Tentatively entitled Expressions of Prayer, the series will continue to develop my approach to illuminated chant “manuscripts” in the encaustic medium. With the valuable instruction I received through R&F Paints over the past year, I am very excited for the potential that the medium offers in the expression of the beauty of Gregorian Chant. The series will focus on individual chants (Ave Maria, Pater Noster, etc); providing layers of meditation to commonly rote prayers. Currently, I am working on research (looking towards the saints for help), as well as considering approaches to funding the project. I am also preparing to move to a new studio in Pittsburgh, so things will seem pretty slow until the Spring.

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I have a lot of things going on this year, both in art and in life. I look forward to sharing as I can through this site (which will also be updated) and via Instagram (annschmalstieg_art). Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments. Wishing you all many blessings in this new year.